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Souroti natural mineral water bubbles up from the homonymous historical spring, which according to scientists is estimated to have a depth of approximately 150m, which is considered to be ideal for 'mineral' springs.

With 1.350 mg of dissolved mineral solids per litre it is classified as one of the most enriched "mineral" waters in the world. One litre of Souroti provides around 1/5 of an adult’s daily needs in calcium and around 1/6 of his magnesium needs.  It has beneficial properties on the nervous system, muscles and metabolism. It is ideal for digestion, refreshing and also regularizes the function of the digestive and urinary systems.

It is rich in carbonates, beneficial minerals and trace elements (such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, chlorine, fluorine, copper, chromium, zinc, etc.), which are just as vital as vitamins for a healthy and fit body. Souroti's mineral density is highly beneficial, which makes this "product" one of the richest mineral waters worldwide.

Having established a leading position in the Greek market, we believe that Reliability and Trust are the terms that characterize the philosophy of Souroti S.A. since 1916.

Souroti (2)

Souroti Carbonated Natural Mineral Water


Souroti Carbonated Natural Mineral Water
